Once the NEMO environment has been loaded in your shell, you will have access to over 200 new commands. Here is an example to create a bar and look at the velocity field:
    mkexpdisk out=run0.01 nbody=10000
    hackcode1 in=run0.01 out=run0.02 options=mass,phi,acc tstop=5 > run0.2.log
    snaptrim run0.02 -  times=5 |\
        snaprect - run0.13 weight="-phi*phi*phi"    
    snaprotate run0.13 run0.20 "atand(tand(30)/cosd(60)),60,45" zyz
    snapgrid run0.20 run0.21 nx=256 ny=256 moment=0
    snapgrid run0.20 run0.22 nx=256 ny=256 moment=1
    ccdsmooth run0.21 run0.21s gauss=0.1
    ccdsmooth run0.22 run0.22s gauss=0.1
    ccdmath run0.21s,run0.22s run0.20d %1
    ccdmath run0.21s,run0.22s run0.20v "%2/%1"
Here's an example to look at a radial profile of densities of an N=1000 Plummer sphere, but using Unix pipes. No data is ever saved here.
  mkplummer - 1000 | radprof - tab=t | tabmath - - 'log(%1),log(%2)' all | tabplot -

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